dsls licgen ssq.exeIt sounds like gibberish, doesn't it? But for those of us who have been developing Windows applications since the turn of this century, these three letters have a very specific meaning: Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Framework. Although you may not know exactly what this means, chances are good that you've seen a program written in Visual Studio. Chances are also good that your company uses MSSQL Server on a regular basis and has had to make some changes to their program's data files as they've grown more complex. Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Framework (dsls licgen ssq.exe) was designed to help you ease the pain of using MSSQL Server's data files with application development tools like Visual Studio. This is where I start to feel like a "geek". It wasn't that long ago that I was learning the ins and outs of Microsoft Access, and things like dsls licgen ssq.exe weren't even on my radar as a possible solution to a problem.In the past, creating data files for use by application programs involved loading those files into an application as flat binary files that could be processed as "text strings" or as numbers or dates or whatever else your data might require. If your program used a variety of data types that were difficult to create with Access or other application programs, you might have been forced to purchase a different software program just to create those data files from scratch. Today, thanks to dsls licgen ssq.exe, you can now load your MSSQL Server data files directly into Visual Studio as a working project so that you can easily test and debug the contents of those files. This eliminates the need for extra software programs or expensive programmers who specialize in writing data conversion software programs.
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